Believe in your innermost/visionary dreams. They are the language of your soul and an expression of its innate desire to realise itself and its unique potential in this world.
Believe in your innermost/visionary dreams. They are the language of your soul and an expression of its innate desire to realise itself and its unique potential in this world.
Existence is infinite. Therefore, to any given question there are a myriad of possible answers/definitions. There is never just one correct and only answer, they are all transitory truths, like steps we are treading on towards new questions and possible answers thereto, which we encounter along our path in the desire to gain a deeper
What is your dream, which vision has brought you to incarnate into a human body (again?) ? There are short- and long-term dreams we can have. (And there are also personal desires, which may appear as dreams and confuse our clarity and destiny.) Our short-term dreams are born of the initial vision and thus lead
In silence I am existing, in silence I am breathing, in silence I A M At home, at one, all loved and simply – LOVE
No one is better than us. We are all unique beings. So absolutely no-one can ever be better than us. Which does not mean, we are already perfected human beings. Therefore we are to try each moment of our lives to be the best unique self we can be. And thus inspire and support others
There is always a way out of any situation in life. If at times you feel there is none it is because you are staring straight ahead believing to be infallibly sure of your next step. Instead of allowing yourself the possibility to turn around a walk back a few steps from whence you came
By loving your self you grow more perfect with every day because your love endows you with the strength to face your imperfections and fears and it gives you the power to enlighten them by surrender.
If life and your existence for you is a kind of battle instead of a playful joyful dance, it means you have not yet learned to love your self and that you are still afraid to embrace your whole being. There is still the fear in you of being and expressing your self in love.And
What does it mean to be truly respectful of another living being? It is to be aware of their way of being in the moment and allowing them to be this way without demanding or expecting of them anything else. You acknowledge their way of being and find your own way with it by being
There is a kind of love which unifies and unites and one that renders us poignantly – at times even painfully – aware of boundaries, limitations and our separateness. The mastership of true loving is to attain the awareness of the first and to henceforth exist in this state even whilst passing through personal experiences