Pamina Fuchs


The Ego is unconsciously aware that love has the power to bestow immortality. And because its greatest fear is to die, it is instinctively seeking after love. However, for as long as the Ego is clinging to the reasons for why it is believing itself to be loved, death remains imminently close and fear remains

LOVE ME FOR A REASON Weiterlesen »

message 1

Beloved Angelic Beings of Mother Earth, We are delighted to be here with you today! It is of the utmost importance that we are speaking to you because in order to change the direction the situation on your planet is heading ever more rapildly, you must all change. Mother Earth needs your healing consciousness. We cannot

message 1 Weiterlesen »


Your knowledge and wisdom are real and true if you are able to practically and consciously manifest them in your daily existence. To be truly wise is to be living in concious awareness of the reality of love and light here-now. Past experiences of fear no longer condition you and your inner freedom is refected

KNOWING – NOw Weiterlesen »

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