Soul Path Guidance
Soul Path Guidance
You are here for a reason

You are here for a reason. Your soul incarnated with the dream to express is unique creative potential and thus share it with the world and your loved ones.
Dark to the mind and radiant to the heart, this profound session involves deep listening to the voice of your spirit and reflecting that back to you to receive the guidance needed on your soul’s path.
The Process
All the answers we need reside within the power and wisdom of our incarnate spirit. This is a voice we rarely, fully hear so these sessions can be deeply insightful.
Using advanced empathy and her mediumistic faculty, Pamina attunes to the vibrations in your voice and energy field to hear the messages your soul is sending and identify old or unseen issues currently influencing your life. She can then explore what emerges and reflect on this to advise on your situation. Attuning on the soul level can help you find a deeper meaning and understanding of the tapestry of your life, identify and remove blockages, understand what is at the root of your relationships with people and situations in your environment, and help move you towards finding fulfilment in all aspects of your life.
Your spirit guides are also invited to join so their wisdom and guidance can be channelled to help you on your life’s path. Additional insights are also offered from individually selected Oracle cards.
The Opportunity
These sessions offer an opportunity to find your beauty and truth and be guided toward your soul’s purpose so you can manifest your desires and the life you were destined to live.
Since the best way to predict the future is to create it, this is not a predictive reading. It’s a powerful practice to help you create that future, but its effectiveness depends on many factors, including openness, personal and spiritual awareness, and willingness to look inside. It is designed to empower you by providing unseen information, identifying potential directions and outcomes, and guiding you in actions you can take to manifest the life you desire. This session endeavors to show you the path; walking is up to you.